Millennials are quickly changing the face of real estate.

You younger Millennials are purchasing your first homes and older ones are already moving on to buying your second. We hate labels, that said you Millennials are known as the generation that will buy a $200 pair of jeans after extensive research and trying on 67 different pairs to find the exact right ones. The way you shop for homes is no different. Want to know why you buy? click here. We right? If not please set us neurotic, self important, flannel covered Gen Xers straight. 

As a honorary Millennial and a marketing professional myself I get it. Our buying habits are supported by the internet where everything we could ever possibly want to know is right at at our fingertips. The most surprising thing about the way we Millennials buy our homes is that we actually want a realtor to help guide us through the process, but that's not the only generational shift here.
Millennials are quickly changing the face of real estate. Gone are the days of only seeing what your Realtor wants to show you. Gone are the days of the glorified fixer upper and the weekend warrior. Millennials are busy working their side hustle anyway. New homes and already fixed up homes are the ones that are going to be moving on the real estate market, an ode to the buying power of the Millennial generation

In closing, we love how this generation is changing the real estate landscape and in essence how we all go about buying things. Download our guide, yes, we have more research for you!. Thank us later by using us as your Realtor. We'll even rebate you some cash back at closing. 

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